Tarallucci with grape jam


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Celli ripieni

The art of confectionery in Abruzzo, is closely linked to age-old tradition. Great importance is given to the almonds, cooked must, honey and chocolate. An essential ingredient for many recipes is the grape jam, in dialect “scrucchiata” or “ragnata” necessary to prepare “cillarichijene” or celli ripieni, tarallucci made of crunchy pastry and stuffed with almonds and jam.

The preparation is quite simple, the recipe for puff pastry includes:
– 5 whole eggs
– 250 g sugar
– Extra virgin olive oil ½ liter
– Dry white wine ½ liter
– Grated 1 lemon
– 1.2 kg flour

For the filling:
– Grape jam 600 g
– Other mixed jam 200 g
– Toasted almonds, finely chopped 250 g
– Cocoa 20 g
– 1-2 teaspoons cooked must

We recommend that you prepare the filling the day before.

Arrange in a bowl and mix the jams, toasted almonds, cocoa powder and cooked must.

For the dough on a pastry pour the flour, make a hole at one hundred and add eggs, sugar, grated lemon, olive oil and wine.

Work for the mixture well, and once ready let stand for about 15 minutes.

Proceed then, pulling the dough several times (not too thin) with the machine.

You will get wide strips of 5-6 cm long and 15 to 20 cm.

Deposited on each strip the filling.

Close the dough in half pressing the edges well.

United the tails to form many large tortelli.

Dip one side in granulated sugar.

Bake at 180 degrees for 15 min,

until the top is just golden.

They are ready to be enjoyed.


Photography by Carmelita Cianci


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One Response to " Tarallucci with grape jam "

  1. Roberta says:

    What is cooked must?

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